VG750™ is beneficial for any dog whether they are a companion, working or competitive. VG750™ is great for dogs of any age & it’s never to late to start them on a daily maintenance regiment.
Remember it is crucial to address potential joint deterioration before chronic stresses impact the joint conformation and structure. There are several factors which may lead to the deterioration of joint health. The fact is there is no cure for degenerative joints, management is the key.
1 year on VG750!! You have a 120lb happy boy! We Love you Axel!!!
sooooo i thought i would give a huge thank you...about a month or two ago when Curtis had his lump under his leg checked.. turned out to be a fatty lump thank dog..we discovered the beginings of arthritis in his shoulder..normally I would have thought the back end would go first per say..but because our breed is chesty an he has boxer and pit in him the shoulder area is more prone..so because he is pretty much destined to not be able to take glucosimine and msm and chrondroitin he stops eating when taking it.. I was on a search for a different view of options for joint care...now for lack of sounding like an infomercial...I found VG750 courtesy of Kelly and Dan McDonough...(owners of Nutra-9) and I decided to give it a whirl...usually with in 7-14 days time you notice improvement and I kid you not after the second day on it he was back to doing zoomies and more playful...stuff is amazing all natural and human grade...but the difference I've seen in him is nothing short of amazing so thank you thank you thank you Kelly and Dan for making a product that is super amazing!! Got my second bottle today !! he will be on this until the end of time...my boy is one happy boy and moving better than I ever thought he could!!
~Michelle M.

Riley is our 5 year old boxer rescue and an absolute treasure in our lives. Around 3 years old we noticed him slowing down, and going lame. X-Rays showed hip dysplasia, and arthritis. We were devastated to see our puppy not be able to play and he really wanted to play but couldn't. Weight loss, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and daily Rimadyl was our treatment plan. At about 4 1/2 years old, the lameness was worse, he would cry. We went to different vets, tried acupuncture, massage was going to start laser therapy until sitting at a new vets office I saw a VG-750 brochure. I thought ok, lets try it, plus it's natural! Riley is almost 6 now and he runs circles around his 3 year old boxer brother. Thank you VG-750, this changed everything. The change was immediate and gave us our wild boxer baby back.
(Riley on the right)

Steele is going strong this year, doing Flyball and disc. He has already qualified for 3 divisions in the Disc World Championships at on 2 events!
Congradulations to all our teams using VG750!
Jelly - Womens Micro Dog Xtreme Distance World Champion
Irie - 3rd Place Womens XTreme Distance Classic Plastic World Championship
Steele - Pairs Freestyle World Champion